How to Buy a Brand New Timeshare at Star Island Resort

Star Island Resort is a resort and club located in Kissimmee, Florida. The resort is located close to both Disney World and Universal Studios, making it a great place to own a time-share. If you're interested in owning a time-share at the Star island Resorts, there are a few ways you can go about purchasing one.

Things You'll Need

  • Phone
  • Computer
  • Internet access
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    • 1

      Call the resort at (407) 997-8000 and express your interest in purchasing a time-share. The resort can give you pricing information, and tell you about the different time-share opportunities available.

    • 2

      Visit the resort at 5000 Avenue of the Stars, Kissimmee, Fla., and take a look at the different time-share opportunities available, and talk to a salesperson.

    • 3

      Contact a time-share sales office in your area, and talk to representatives about your interest in purchasing a time-share at Star island Resorts. They might know about special time-share deals and offers not available directly from the resort.

    • 4

      Visit Star Island Resorts' website ( and request to have information on time-shares sent to you. Through that information, you can learn how to purchase a time-share through the mail.

    • 5

      Check the newspaper classifieds and online classified ads for Star Island time-shares that might be for sale. You might be able to find a deal on one that suits your needs.

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