Disney Tips for Kids

Visiting Walt Disney World with kids may seem a little daunting, causing stress for many parents. Even the most well-behaved children can get overwhelmed by everything there is to see and do during a typical day at the resort. A little planning and creativity can help to make your vacation go smoother, and help the entire family to have a good time.
  1. General Planning

    • Children can easily get overwhelmed and overtired at Disney, potentially making everyone around them miserable. Plan ahead, and you can avoid this. Get a map of each park within the resort that you are visiting, and allow each child to pick one or two attractions or rides that they absolutely "can't miss." This map is your plan for the day. Make sure that you attend each ride chosen, taking your time in between. Take a break after two or three hours, and find a shady spot to sit and enjoy a drink or snack. Retreat back to your room during the hottest part of the day--mid-afternoon--and return to the park for fireworks in the evening.


    • No matter where you're staying, you can save money and aggravation when it comes to eating during your Disney World trip. Even mini-fridges can hold milk and juice, so cereal in the morning is easy to fix. Keep fruit and cookies or crackers in the room. Granola bars, trail mix and bottled water can be carried in a backpack to the parks, eliminating the need for expensive snacks. Plus, you will have snacks and water close at hand if one of the children become hungry or thirsty.

    Free Fun

    • Before you leave home, buy an inexpensive autograph book or small notebook. Allow the kids to carry it to the parks. All of the costumed characters will autograph your child's book. Make a game of seeing how many "famous" autographs you can get each day. Another classic, free activity to keep kids entertained is finding "hidden Mickeys." There are Mickey Mouse designs hidden all over the parks, in rides, gift shops, attractions, hotel-lobby carpeting, just about everywhere. Make a game of announcing every hidden Mickey you find; see who can find the most.

    Resort Activities for Kids

    • Ask the desk staff at your resort about children's programs. Every resort has different programs for kids. From scavenger hunts to marshmallow roasts, most activities are free and designed to keep the littlest Disney fans entertained. If visiting Epcot, check for the children's craft activities at each "country." A collection of hand-crafted masks in the style of each country visited is a great souvenir collection to decorate a child's bedroom wall when you get home

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