How to Get Into the Hottest Clubs in Las Vegas

There's much more to Las Vegas than gambling and staying up at all hours. The hottest scenes are the nightclubs that are not only great places to hang out, but places where you just might bump shoulders with a celebrity. So just how does one get into such a nightclub? Dressing well, as well as being a guest at the nightclub's hotel are some of the keys to getting your foot into the doors.

Things You'll Need

  • Nice clothes
  • Spending money
  • Accommodations at the nightclub of choice
  • Reservations
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  1. Getting In

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      Stay at the hotel of your intended nightclub excursion. For example, hotel guests have privileges, such as not having to stand in line for two hours and more. For example, Venetian hotel guests reported only a 10 minute wait for the Tao nightclub.

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      When celebrities are going to be guests at a hot spot, getting into that club can be difficult. If you want to go to a particular club on the night your favorite celebrity if going to go, book reservations in advance.

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      You should check to see if special events are coming to your favorite nightspot before showing up. If a special event is being hosted at your favorite nightclub, showing up without reservations means standing in lines for hours without ever stepping foot inside.

    Take advantage of host and hostess services

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      Keep your eyes open for dressed up individuals passing out tickets. Some of these people are hostesses or hosts of some of the best clubs, such as Tao, Lavo and Pure.

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      Make sure to have your hostess or host make reservations for you if you manage to get free admission tickets. If you have reservations, your waiting time is substantially less.

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      It doesn't hurt to ask the hostess or host if they also have free tickets for cocktails. Drinks at nightclubs are pricey. For example, a glass of champagne at Lavo can cost up to $28.

    Dressing for Success

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      Dressing well while cruising the casinos may also help you get free admission tickets. Hostesses and hosts of nightclubs are more liable to hand out tickets to women who are dressed in nice dresses and men wearing casual suits.

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      While it might be nice to cruise the casino in your pajamas, do so only during the day. Dressing like you just rolled out of bed won't help your chances of scoring free admission into any club.

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      You can usually spot a hostess or host hanging outside of shows that have just released, or right outside your hotel lobby. Keep in mind that you may not be able to spot a hostess or host until 8 to 10 p.m. at night.


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      You may want to consider going with a group of friends when going to a hot spot. Table service, which is renting a table for you and friends, can cost anywhere from $350-$400 at places such as Lavo and Tao.

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      Having friends help you split the cost for table service makes the rationality of blowing that kind of money more reasonable, especially when you're celebrity-watching. Also keep in mind that table service also means a one bottle of alcohol minimum to reserve a table.

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      Also keep in mind that on nights when celebrities show up, you can drop up to $50 for an admission charge if you don't get in free.

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      On a normal night, sans celebrities, costs can run up to $20 for a cover charge. Also make sure to ask how much that drink costs before you guzzle it, as even a shot of alcohol can run you $6.

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