How to Learn Key Phrases in Russian

Learning a second language is always a good idea - whether for travel, business or just plain fun. Romance languages are popular these days, but why not be adventurous and try Russian? Here are a few phrases to get you started.

Things You'll Need

  • Foreign Language Phrase Books
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      Greet someone with "privet" for "hello" in casual situations and "zdrahst-vui-tye" in formal situations. When saying "good-bye," "pah-kah" is the casual form, and the more commonly recognized "dahs-vee-dah-nyuh" is the formal word.

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      Attract someone's attention by saying "is-vee-nee-tyuh" for "excuse me." Introduce yourself by saying "Ya" for "I am" and then your name.

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      Use "pah-zahl-sta" for "please" and "spa-see-ba" for "thank you."

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      Agree with someone by saying "dah" for "yes" and "nyet" for "no."

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      Ask "How are you?" or more literally, "How are you feeling?" by saying "Kak dela?"

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      Find the place you're looking for by using "g-dyeh" for "where," and then the name of the place you're seeking. Some popular places include Tverskaya Street ("Tver-sky-ya Oo-li-tsa"), Red Square ("Kras-nah-ya Plo-schad"), and the Intourist or Metropol hotels ("Intourist Gah-sti-ni-tsa").

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      Tell someone you don't understand by saying "Ya nyee puh-nyee-my-you." Then make certain the person you're talking to understands you by asking "Vwee puh-nyee-myee-tya pahn an-glee-ski" or "Vwee guh-vah-ryee-tya pahn an-glee-ski" for "Do you understand?" or "Do you speak English?" respectively.

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