How to Dress Coast to Coast

Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, flying in style - especially when going from coast to coast - can be a traveler's ultimate fashion emergency. These easy and inexpensive style tips will keep all fashionistas in vogue!

Things You'll Need

  • They key to keeping it cool coast to coast is having the key pieces that will make LAX to JFK as easy as 1-2-3. You will need:
  • LAYERING PIECES: Think cardigans from J Crew or Gap. Scarves and shawls are also important - as they are very versatile.
  • FLAT SHOES: high heels, stilettos and pumps are just asking for trouble after a 5 1/2 hour flight
  • BEAUTY ESSENTIALS: moisturizer, toothbrush and toothpaste, compact powder, tinted lip gloss
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      Identify if you are going from East to West or vice versa.
      This will give you a better idea of the temperature variation that you will encounter. For this example, I will have you imagine you are going from Los Angeles to New York in the Fall. Simply take these tips and apply them in reverse order if you are going in the opposite direction when concerning clothing adjustments.

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      Wear a dark colored camisole layered with a similar colored blouse or top.
      Since it will be colder when you reach NYC, either tie a cardigan around your neck or place it in your carry-on. By staying with basic, dark colored clothing, you will avoid standing out as a tourist and instead remain chic and sleek!

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      Grab a scarf that matches your outfit.
      When in warmer weather, tie your scarf around your waist to create an obi-belt effect. Drawing in a woman's waistline is a great way to look feminine comfortably. Once you are in colder weather, un-tie the belt and you have a scarf to keep you warm.

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      Maintain hygiene and beauty routines while in flight. Moisturizer will be your best friend. Apply to your face, hands and neck every hour to avoid flaky, dry skin. Also make a trip to the bathroom prior to landing and use that dim lighting to its full potential. Aside from brushing your teeth, a small compact powder will even out any redness or unevenness in your skin tone. Also, a tinted lip gloss can double as your cheek and eyelid color.

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