How to Prepare for a Long Ride in a Horse & Carriage

Horse-drawn carriages were a typical form of transportation prior to the invention of the automobile. Since then, horse and carriage rides have become more of a novelty. Parks and resorts use them to offer sightseeing tours to their guests. New York City's Central Park is famous for its horse-drawn carriages. Although this type of transportation seems old-fashioned, taking a ride on a horse-drawn carriage can be entertaining and engaging. Make sure that you are properly dressed, equipped and stretched before embarking on a lengthy horse and carriage trip.

Things You'll Need

  • Weather-appropriate clothing and gear
  • Snacks
  • Water bottle
  • Camera
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      Dress accordingly. Wear a warm coat, gloves, a hat and a scarf if your carriage ride is scheduled during brisk or cold weather. Wear lighter clothing if the weather is supposed to be warm the day of your ride. Bring along sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses to protect your skin and eyes from the suns rays, especially if the carriage will not have a roof or cover.

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      Take care of your travel necessities. There might not be any stops on your carriage trip. You will want to bring a small snack and a water bottle in case you get hungry or thirsty. Make sure you are allowed to eat and drink on the carriage. If you aren't, consider eating and drinking before the trip. Use the restroom beforehand. Make sure your camera is handy and accessible in case you want to photograph anything you see on your ride.

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      Stretch before you climb onto the carriage to start your ride. These vehicles can often be somewhat uncomfortable. You might not have the opportunity to move your body freely until the ride ends. Focus on your legs, pelvis and back when you stretch. This step is important if you have back pain or other comfort problems that are caused by sitting in one position for too long.

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