How to Pack Light for a Really Long Trip

Several heavy pieces of luggage can really put a damper on your vacation. By packing light, you save money, time, and energy for the fun parts of your trip.

Things You'll Need

  • Luggage
  • Organizational system
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      Pick out a piece of luggage for your trip. Decide whether or not you want a big piece of luggage that you will have to check in the airport, or if you want to try to fit all that you will need in your carry-on luggage. Keep in mind the fact that most airlines have a strict policy that all liquids must be in 3 oz containers in a clear, quart-size plastic bag. Also, keep in mind that you can purchase many of the products that you will need at your destination.

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      Put all of the clothes that you plan to bring in a pile on your bed or a table. Eliminate half. It helps if you have someone else critique the articles you want to take with you. A second opinion will prevent you from bringing something that is not very attractive or something that you may not wear very often. Bring clothes that will mix and match into several different outfits and that will not get dirty very easily (like dark colors). Jeans and other pairs of pants can sometimes be worn 2-3 times between loads of laundry. You may find a travel size bottle of Febreeze a useful item to bring with you.

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      You can use jewelry or other fashion accessories to dress up and change outfits. Pack a cosmetic bag with your favorite pieces of fashion jewelry and scarves.

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      Once you have everything you think that you will need packed into your suitcase, close your luggage and carry it around. Is it so heavy that you can barely move it? Take some things out. One of the joys of going on vacation is shopping for new things that you cannot find back home. You will likely find lots of interesting items that you would like to bring back with you. With this in mind, you may find it useful to leave about 1/3 of your suitcase empty for items you purchase along your voyages.

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