Travel Tips for Packing Light

Pack wisely before setting out on a trip. Airlines have imposed regulations on the weight of checked luggage, and overpacking can strain shoulder and back muscles as well. Most travelers only use 1/2 of the articles of clothing they normally pack. So choose wisely and pack lightly. The following tips will provide helpful hints for packing light.
  1. Significance

    • Pack your suitcase with an attitude that less is more. Less weight means less strain on muscles and ligaments in your neck, shoulders, and back; resulting in more strength, comfort and mobility during your trip. Less items in your suitcase also means less chaos and more of a sense of organization, leaving time for more overall enjoyment while traveling.


    • Pack interchangeble articles of clothing. For example, pack a pair of black dress pants, a pair of jeans, and five tops that coordinate with the shoes you wear while en route, as well as a light jacket or sweater in a complementary color. Wear either a jacket or sweater (opposite of what you packed) while traveling. The dress pants with a top and jacket will work for business. Change into the jeans and exchange the jacket for a sweater if needed, for browsing the shops after your meeting. The dress pants and jeans can each be worn twice with simple spot cleaning if needed. A fresh top, underwear and socks or hosiery for each day means you're good to go for the better part of a business week.


    • Plan for everything, and still keep packing light a priority. Use travel size containers for all toiletries. The airlines have mandated that liquids and gels must not be in excess of 2 ounces, and must be grouped together in a see-through plastic bag. This not only lightens your load, but organizes your toiletries at the same time.


    • Roll your articles of clothing instead of folding them. In addition to creating extra room in your suitcase, clothing that is rolled is perfect for cushioning breakables, and is far less likely to arrive wrinkled. Roll a pair of jeans around a curling iron to save space, for example, or roll socks inside of shirts.


    • Call ahead whether you're staying in a hotel or a friend's home. Articles you might ordinarily pack may in fact be available there for you to use, thus saving additional room in your suitcase. Most hotels provide hair dryers and if each room isn't equipped with an iron, a call to housekeeping will typically result in one.


    • Relax when packing light. If you neglect to pack something vital, it can almost always be purchased, rented or borrowed once you reach your destination. Most hotels will provide many toiletries at no cost if you've forgotten to bring them from home. If you find you soil more pieces of clothing than you expected, most hotels have laundry services or delivery from local dry cleaners, and no host or hostess would turn you down if you asked politely to wash a few things while visiting.


    • Treat yourself to packing light. You'll have less weight to carry or cart as you move from car or bus to the airport. You'll have less to unpack when you arrive at your destination. You'll have less to re-pack when it's time to return home. And without a doubt, you'll have everything you need to enjoy a perfectly fun or functional it for business or for pleasure.

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