How to Pack for a Trip to Las Vegas

Packing for a trip to Las Vegas is simple: unless you're going to be in a formal business environment, think casual! Most casinos, shows and attractions are without a dress code, meaning you can wear whatever's comfortable at any time of the day or night. Of course, dressing up can be fun, too, so bring a few trendy outfits for a change of pace.

Things You'll Need

  • Shorts
  • Sandals
  • Tank tops
  • Walking Shoes
  • Sweaters
  • Umbrellas
  • Stylish clothes
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      Check The Weather Channel Web page ( for a current forecast before you pack. In general, remember that it's hot in summer (the average is 107 degrees F in July) and cool in winter (the average is 58 degrees F in January).

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      Pack light fabrics for summer and include shorts, sandals and tank tops or T-shirts. This is acceptable attire almost everywhere in Las Vegas, including casinos and shows.

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      Plan to wear warmer clothes in winter, when nighttime temperatures can drop into the 30s. Be prepared for winter rains, which come primarily in December, January and February.

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      Take a good pair of walking shoes if you plan to walk around the Strip and see the sights. Throw in more stylish footwear for special evenings out or if you need formal business attire.

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      Be sure to include body lotion, moisturizer, lip balm and a good hair conditioner. The desert winds will dry out your skin and hair in a hurry, even in winter. Taking soothing eyedrops is also a good idea.

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