How Long Can I Stay in Canada on a Travel Visa?

More than 5 million people visit Canada each year. Depending on your home country and the reason for your visit, you might be required to meet entry requirements. United States citizens do not need a travel visa to visit Canada. But you will need a temporary resident visa if you'll be staying for longer than six months.
  1. Before You Go

    • You need your temporary resident visa before arriving in Canada. To get the visa, complete the application package.


    • You need to have a current passport, two recent passport photographs and proof you have enough money for the duration of your trip. Photo identification and proof you have reason to return to your home country also are required.

    Fees and Processing

    • The cost of a single temporary resident visa in Canada is $75 in Canadian dollars as of October 2009. Once the application and documents have been mailed to the regional visa office, it takes about two weeks for the application to be processed.

    After You've Arrived

    • While in Canada, you can apply for an extension to stay longer. The process and fees are the same, but you will need to apply at least 30 days before the end of the initial six-month period.

    Changing Status

    • If you decide to work or study in Canada, you will need to apply for a work permit or a student visa. The process is nearly the same as a temporary resident visa except the application package is tailored to the reason for extending your stay.

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