How to Clean Mold From a Sleeping Bag

A wet or damp sleeping bag is a breeding ground for mold. Even storing it in a cool damp place can cause mold growth. You don't have to throw the sleeping bag away just because there is mold growing on it. The cleaning process may take a few days to complete because a simple washing won't get rid of the mold spores.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 cup Lysol
  • 4 gallons hot water
  • 2 cups lemon juice
  • 2 cups salt
  • Large pail
  • Measuring cup
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    • 1

      Mix 1/2 cup of Lysol with 1 gallon of hot water in either a deep sink or bathtub. You may need to use a measuring cup to get the exact measurements.

    • 2

      Soak the sleeping bag in the Lysol solution for about an hour. Make sure the affected area is completely submerged in the Lysol mixture. This will help kill the mold and prevent it from growing.

    • 3

      Drain the sink or bathtub of the Lysol mixture. Leave the sleeping bag in bathtub or sink.

    • 4

      Mix 1 gallon of hot water with 1 cup of lemon juice and 1 cup of salt in a large pail. This mixture will help get rid of the mold smell.

    • 5

      Pour the water, lemon and salt mixture over sleeping bag in the sink or bathtub.

    • 6

      Squeeze any excess liquid from the sleeping bag.

    • 7

      Dry the sleeping bag completely, either outside in direct sunlight or in a warm place. It may take take a day or two for the sleeping bag to dry completely.

    • 8

      Repeat the same steps again to thoroughly kill all the mold spores.

    • 9

      Dry the sleeping bag completely.

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