How to Calculate Driving Time

“Are we there yet?” If the thought of this question sends your nerves tingling, you probably need to have a good idea of how long the trip will take before you leave. Learning how to calculate driving time for your next trip is not difficult. You can use online resources to help you get an estimate of the time it will take you to arrive at your destination, or you can do some simple figuring on your own to arrive at the same number. Either way, you will have an answer to that age-old question when it comes!


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      Consider going online to an online map program to get an estimated driving time. To use this type of program, simply enter your destination and your starting point and the program will give you an estimated driving time.

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      Calculate your time yourself by first calculating the total distance. Then, multiply that number by the average speed you will be traveling. On the interstate, consider your average speed to be around 70 mph. On side roads, your average speed will probably be 45 mph. This does vary from location to location, though, so use a better estimate if you know the speed limits where you will be traveling.

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      Add time to your estimate for stops. Consider how many meals you will eat on the road. Meals will take around 30 minutes for most people, and even longer if you have children.

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      Keep in mind that you may need to make a stop for gas, meals, restroom breaks, or other reasons.

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      Consider figuring the distance on your own and then comparing that to the online estimate. This will give you a range of times to expect.

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