How to Decide Where to Go for Spring Break

Spring break is a big event for most college students, but it is also a great vacation time for families. There are plenty of destination options depending on what type of experience you want to have. Many travel companies offer specials during spring break season. You just have to find them and decide what you want to do based on your budget and interests. Read on to learn how to decide where to go for spring break.


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      Relax on a Caribbean beach. Cancun, Mexico and Barbados are typical vacation spots for college students, but these may not be the best locations for a family trip. Many travel sites on the Internet offer fairly inexpensive all-inclusive packages for these locations.

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      Help others on vacation. Community-service trips are a great way to spend your spring break. For example, the Center for Community Outreach's Project Pericles co-sponsored a trip to New Orleans to aid in the rebuilding effort after Hurricane Katrina. These types of trips are free except for airfare.

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      Learn and explore while on vacation. It is possible to learn and have fun while on vacation. Backpacking across Europe is very popular with college students. Round-trip flights to the United Kingdom are reasonable when purchased in advance and hostels and train fares are relatively inexpensive. This gives you a chance to see the world and get away for awhile.

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      Stay local. You don't have to travel outside of the United States to have a great time during spring break. The U.S. has many great cities and things to see whether you are a college student or traveling as a family. Cities such as San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Texas, New York and Miami have different amusement parks, beaches, shopping, great restaurants and more to fit any budget.

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      Book your vacation early to get the best price. Waiting until the last minute can raise your rate by more than 50 percent. Search online travel agencies as well as calling local travel agents.

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