How to Take a Spring Break Cruise

Spring Break cruises are the newest and hottest trend in Spring Break travel. Instead of staying at a resort, you book a cruise along with other Spring Breakers. These cruises can be a lot of fun and are comparably priced to traditional Spring Break vacation packages.


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      Book a Spring Break cruise online. To see the best packages, book your cruise through an online travel agency that specifically deals with these types of packages. For example, Student City has several cruises available for Spring Break travelers.

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      Choose a cruise that has the fun party options that you expect on a Spring Break vacation. The cruise should have several bars, a club, casino area and pool area.

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      Look for a cruise that offers an all inclusive option. This is worth it if you plan to drink a lot while on Spring Break.

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      Go to the Bahamas on your cruise. The Bahamas is a popular cruise destination for Spring Breakers. The Bahamas has a constant party atmosphere that is enjoyed by college age students.

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      Take a booze cruise. This cruise excursion option is a must on a Spring Break trip. For one set price, you and your friends can enjoy unlimited drinks while sailing around the beautiful ocean.

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