How to Book a Spring Break Trip to Cancun

Two words get college students through second semester: Spring Break. For them, there is nothing better than boarding a plane with your best buds for a week of craziness and fun. For many spring breakers Cancun, Mexico, is the destination of choice.


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      Choose a package deal through a spring break travel agent. Packages are great ways to party carefree. A company books your hotel, gets you some free meals and provides all of the parties you could hope for. Most importantly, they bring you together with spring breakers from around the country.

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      Put together a home-made trip and book everything on your own. This option gives you the freedom to choose any flight and hotel. You can definitely save money this way, but you'll miss out on the free booze and organized parties.

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      Go through your own travel agent to book your spring break in Cancun. Any travel agent can find you accommodations and transportation at a reasonable rate. Only travel agents that specialize in student tours can get you in on some of the spring break parties.

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