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How to Enjoy Hong Kong for Free

Hong Kong is both a city full of history and one of beauty. It's an exciting place to travel, regardless of your budget. Here are some ways that you can enjoy exploring Hong Kong without spending a dime


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      Enjoy a spectator sport before breakfast has even begun. Simply wake up early and head to a local park. Local residents get up at dawn to enjoy their practice of tai chi. You'll find yourself transfixed by their slow, strong, yet graceful motions. If you want to get in on the action, try heading to Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront promenade for a free practice session that they have a few times per week. To simply observe, go to Hong Kong Park, Victoria Park, or almost any local park.

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      Stroll along the promenade. Tsim Sha Tsui's Waterfront holds an absolutely majestic promenade. You can see the beauty of the harbor and Hong Kong Island's skyscrapers. This is an especially gorgeous stroll after dark when the lights of Hong Kong Island illuminate the water! If you stay until 8pm, you'll get to witness a free show full of lasers and lights that is projected from skyscrapers on either side of the harbor.

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      Wander through the western district when you have an entire morning or afternoon to explore at your leisure. Here you'll find a great source for dried food, herbs and medicine, keepsakes and presents, a temple rich in historic roots, antiques, and a museum dedicated to Chinese and Western medicine. With company by your side, allow yourself time to immerse yourself in the neighborhood and get a little bit lost!

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      Dedicate an afternoon to enjoying a picnic and walk at one of Hong Kong's gorgeous parks. They are worth the trip in and of themselves. The most exciting are probably Kowloon Walled City Park and Hong Kong Park.

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      Expand your mind and visit a museum. For under $5, you can buy a pass that allows you to visit five of the major museums with that one pass. It's definitely worth it because you can spend the entire trip with the fascination of Hong Kong's rich museums without getting bored or tired of it in the least.

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