How to Obtain a French Visa as a Pinoy

A pinoy is a common term used in the Philippines to refer to a local resident of the country. Local residents of the Philippines who wish to travel to France must obtain a French visa that grants them entrance rights to the European union. Learn how to apply for a French visa in the Philippines and satisfy the visa requirements. Apply ahead of time, and soon you'll be surrounded by the cosmopolitan sights and sounds of the République Française.

Things You'll Need

  • Visa application
  • Black or blue ballpoint pen
  • Two 35mm x 45mm photos
  • Cover letter with backup evidence
  • Current Filipino passport
  • Visa application fee payment
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      Call the French Embassy in the Philippines at +63 2 857-6958 and set up a reservation with a consulate official to apply for a visa. Visa applications are only accepted in person and cannot be submitted via mail, fax or Internet. Appointments can be scheduled between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. every Monday through Thursday.

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      Download a French visa application (see Resources). Individuals from the Philippines may apply for either a short-stay visa, or a long-stay visa. The former can be used in France and any of her sister European Union (EU) countries, and grants the holder 90 days within the EU. The latter is a national visa administered directly through the French republic and is valid for stays longer than 90 days. Complete the appropriate application using a black or blue ballpoint pen and print legibly in capital letters.

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      Take two identical 35mm x 45mm photographs of your face centered in front of a plain white background. These photos will be used on your visa form.

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      Prepare documentation proving the purpose and destinations of your trip. Write a cover letter explaining the specific reason for your trip to France, and include the locales you plan to visit and the dates that you plan to enter and leave France. Supply travel information such as proof of airfare booking with return and departure dates, as well as hotel or motel bookings. Individuals applying for a long-stay visa may also need to show proof of income (e.g. a Filipino income tax return) and proof of employment (e.g. a leave of absence approved by your boss, as well as a document showing your salary).

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      Make a photocopy of the first page of your current Filipino passport, and all current visas and travel documents within the passport. Take the aforesaid application, documents, photographs, photocopies and your original passport with you to your visa appointment and submit them to the consulate official.

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      Pay your visa application fees. A short-stay visa is 60 euros, and a long-stay visa is 99 euros. As of August 2009, that equals approximately 4097 Philippine pesos and 6760.50 pesos, respectively.

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