How to Obtain a Hajj Visa

The hajj is the holy pilgrimage to Mecca that is required of every Muslim. This pilgrimage is exclusive to Muslims and is known to bring a high amount of seasonal traffic to the Saudi Arabian coastline. In order to get to Saudi Arabia during this time, there are a series of steps that need to be completed in order to have permission from the Saudi Arabian government to do this pilgrimage.


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      Begin planning with a travel agency. The only way to enter the country during this time is through a travel agency that offers arrangements for travelers doing the pilgrimage. The agency must be a licensed U.S. travel agency, and it must have a letter from the Ministry of the Hajj in Saudi Arabia stating that they are able to escort pilgrims.

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      Fill out the application. You can download the application on the Saudi Arabia Embassy website. On the application, there are several basic questions about citizenship, nationality, passport information, religious information, and background information. The application also requires that you attach a recent passport photo. The application should also be signed by the travel agency with which you are working.

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      Obtain a valid passport. The passport must be valid for at least six months after you plan on entering the country.

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      The male head of the house must fill out particular travel information. He must write the names of those he is escorting (e.g., his wife and/or sister) on the application, and supply all necessary documentation (e.g., birth certificates and marriage certificates).

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      Buy your plane ticket. This must be done before the visa application process. The person filing must be in possession of a round trip ticket that is non-refundable.

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      Get your vaccinations. All persons traveling must be vaccinated for the seasonal flu, H1N1, meningitis, and polio.

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      Submit the application form, providing all required information and two required certified checks. These checks are fees to process the visa application. For current information on the cost of the fees, check the Saudi Arabia Embassy website.

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