How to Obtain a Jamaican Visa

Many vacationers travel to Jamaica every year for a Caribbean getaway. Known for relaxing resorts and white-sand beaches, Jamaica is a desired destination. A Jamaican visa allows citizens of many different counties to enter Jamaica and experience the rich beauty and vibrant culture that the island nation has to offer.

Things You'll Need

  • Valid passport
  • Completed visa application
  • Passport photo
  • Money order
  • Prepaid return envelope
  • Travel itinerary
  • Business letter or intent (if entering Jamaica for business purposes)
  • Work permit (if intending to work in Jamaica)
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      Obtain a valid passport through your home country's citizenship office, if you do not already have one. The passport must have at least one blank space in it and be valid for at least six months after your intended departure date from Jamaica.

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      Fill out a visa application form, which you can obtain from the embassy website link in the "Resources" section of this article.

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      Obtain a passport-sized photo. The application package requires that you submit a 2"-by-2", full-color photograph along with the application.

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      Put together your travel itinerary. The application package requires that the visa applicant submit a copy of their itinerary, including flights, hotel or accommodation arrangements and any plans they have while in Jamaica.

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      Provide a letter from your employer if you are coming to Jamaica on a business visit. This letter must state what your intended business plans are and how long you will be in the country.

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      Obtain a work permit if you plan to work in Jamaica. The work-permit application must be filed and granted before you can receive a visa. The work permit application must be filed in the country of residence with the Jamaican High Commission, Jamaican Embassy or Consulate.

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      Submit the completed application along with all other required documents to your regional Jamaican High Commission, Embassy or Consulate, which you can find using the link in the "Resources" section of this article.You must submit the application with a prepaid return envelope so the Jamaican consulate can return your passport, as well as the application fee, which varies depending on your country of residence.

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