Airports Near Big Bend National Park

Big Bend National Park is named for the curve of the Rio Grande, which it occupies. If you look at a map of Texas, you will see that the state's southern border makes a southward dip. The park occupies the southernmost trough of that dip but extends somewhat north. To the west lies Big Bend Ranch State Park.

The Rio Grande is the southern border not only of Big Bend National Park and Texas, but of the United States. Across the river is Mexico. There are a number of airports in the region, none of them particularly convenient for the commercial traveler.

  1. Airports Served by Major Airlines

    • Midland International Airport in Midland/Odessa, Texas is the closest airport to Big Bend National Park into which major airlines fly. It lies 235 miles from park headquarters. American Eagle, Continental Airlines, Southwest, and United all fly into Midland International. The next nearest major airport is 330 miles away in El Paso, Texas.

    Airfields Available for Civil Aviation

    • If you, a friend, or a hired pilot want to fly in to the Big Bend National Park area, you have a choice of two airfields that are open to the public.

      Terlingua Ranch Airport in Alpine, Texas is a privately owned airstrip open for public use just outside the northwest edge of the park. It's a mere dozen or so miles from park headquarters as the crow flies, but a drive there will take you an hour and a half on 58 miles of road--if you can find a car to use.

      Alpine-Casparis Municipal Airport, located just north of central Alpine, Texas, is a multi-runway airport with reasonable services. From there, it's a 100-mile highway drive to park headquarters.

    Private Airfields

    • A number of small airfields and strips are owned by private entities and meant for private use only dot the circumference of Big Bend National Park. Actually, Pitcock Rosillos Mountain Ranch Airport in Marathon, Texas is located within the borders of the park.

      Other, listed from east to west, are: Heath Canyon Airport in Terlingua, Persimmon Gap Ranch Airport in Marathon, La Leona Airport in Terlingua, Terlingua Airport and Lajitas International Airport in Lajitas, Texas.

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