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How to Install a Canopy on an RV

RVers often use the words of canopy and awning interchangeably. Canopies provide shade, extra space and additional storage. Many RVs come with canopies, but if yours didn't they are easy to install. When you purchase one make sure it is either vinyl or canvas so Mother Nature and traveling does not damage the awning. Any do-it-yourselfer can add a canopy to an RV in an afternoon.

Things You'll Need

  • Drill and bit
  • Screwdrivers and/or wrenches (varies based on canopy)
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    • 1

      Attach the top rail with the screws or bolts that came with the canopy. Do not tighten with the drill or it will strip the screws.

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      Unroll the canopy. Pull the tube of the canopy down and toward you until fully unrolled.

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      Slide the upper canopy arms into place. Hold the upper arm taut with one arm. Adjust the tension using the tension knobs on each side.

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      Unfold the support legs. Place the legs against the floor line. The floor line is where the floor is located at the bottom of the RV. Mark these spots (the bottom brackets will be mounted here).

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      Drill holes for the bottom brackets. Bolt the brackets into place. Attach the legs to the bottom brackets.

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