How to Convert United States Money into Peso

A trip to Mexico requires spending pesos and not U.S. dollars. Most shops, restaurants and other places won't accept U.S. money and require that all customers pay using pesos. That does not mean you should get upset or worry about the process of converting your money. With the number of places that offer this service, it's as easy as 1-2-3.


    • 1

      Determine the current rate of conversion from American dollars to pesos. This changes frequently and often on a daily or weekly basis. You want to know exactly how much money you'll get for your dollar before you even attempt to change it over.

    • 2

      Go to your bank with the money you want to convert into pesos. If you want to take care of things before you start off on your trip, this is the easiest way to do that. Most banks and financial institutions will make the conversion for their customers.

    • 3

      Take U.S. dollars to the airport and ask about conversion checkpoints. There are many international airports that offer the conversion process for free. All you have to do is hand over your dollars, and they'll give you back the same amount in pesos.

    • 4

      After you arrive, ask at your hotel about converting U.S. dollars to Mexican pesos. Most hotels offer this service for free because they want their customers spending money in the local economy. Just make sure to visit during regular business hours.

    • 5

      Make purchases using your debit card and ask for cash back. The cash you receive back will be in Mexican pesos. That is one of the easiest things you can do if you need only a small amount of pesos and you don't have access to a bank or conversion site.

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