How to Get a Tourist Visa for Dubai

Located in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai is a fascinating and interesting country. Traveling to this area requires a visa, which gives you permission to visit the area. A tourist visa in Dubai allows you the chance to travel for up to 30 days before you return to your native country. The best thing to do before applying for one of these visas is to plan out your trip ahead of time.


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      Make your arrangements ahead of time, preferably using a travel agent or booking with a well-known hotel in Dubai. A tourist visa means that someone knows you're traveling for personal reasons, and they're willing to claim that you have plans for visiting.

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      Set your arrival date in Dubai within 60 days of when you plan on applying for the visa. According to the laws of the country, a tourist visa is only good for 60 days after it's issued. This includes both when you arrive and when you leave Dubai.

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      Apply for a tourist visa through a travel agent or the UAE embassy in Washington D.C. The application process is fairly simple, though it does ask questions about your reason for visiting and how long you plan on staying in Dubai.

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      List as much information as possible about your trip. You should include your arrival and destination dates, as well as any groups you're traveling with, your lodging or accommodations and any plans you made. This shows that you're only planning on staying a specific amount of time and your application is more likely to be approved.

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      Pay the fees associated with a tourist visa. As of 2009, the visa itself is priced at 100 dirham, and they also change another 10 dirham for processing the application. You can pay these fees when turning in your visa application.

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