How to Get a Tourist Visa for Spain

Although U.S. citizens are exempt from the tourist visa requirement in Spain, residents of other nationalities living in the U.S. or abroad may require a visa. Because Spain is part of the Schengen area of Europe, a tourist visa for Spain will be valid for travel in any of the 23 other European countries of the Schengen region, in addition to Spain, for the entire term of its validity.


    • 1

      Download, fill out and sign four copies of the Spanish visa application. It can be found on the Spanish Embassy website, at your local Spanish consulate or embassy or in the Resources section.

    • 2

      Take four passport-sized photos of your head and shoulders against a white background to submit with your application.

    • 3

      Ask your friends or family in Spain for a notarized letter of invitation. Alternately, submit a copy of confirmed hotel reservations with your application.

    • 4

      Copy your latest credit card statement or provide proof of travelers' checks totaling $50 per day for expenses.

    • 5

      Copy your last three bank statements to prove your income to immigration officials.

    • 6

      Ask your employer to write a letter stating the type of work you do, your salary and how long you have been employed.

    • 7

      Copy your return airline ticket or itinerary, which shows the date on which you plan to leave Spain.

    • 8

      Write a check for the visa processing fees. Check with the consulate to find out what the fees are in your country.

    • 9

      Submit all paperwork, photos, fees and your passport to the nearest Spanish consulate. Consult the Resources for a list of Spanish consulates in the United States.

    • 10

      Schedule an in-person interview if required. Otherwise, just send in your paperwork with a self-addressed, stamped envelop in which the Spanish consulate can return your passport with your new Spanish visa.

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