How to Pack Motorcycle Luggage

Whether you are going off-road, traveling to work, or taking an extended travel adventure, there is nothing quite like doing it by motorcycle. While motorcycle riding can be an exhilarating experience, there is certainly no trunk to store your things. Go where you want to on your bike, while still taking along the things you'll need when you get there.


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      Get yourself a pair of saddlebags. Just like in the Old West when cowboys would drape a couple of leather bags across the horse's saddle, you can drape these bags over your bike. These bags are usually made of strong leather with a sturdy nylon strap connecting the two, either over or beneath your seat. You can also make your own simply by strapping two bags together.

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      Attach a backpack to the back of your bike. Most bikes have a "sissy bar" on the rear, to which you can easily strap a medium sized backpack. Motorcycle shops often carry sissy bar bags that are made especially for this purpose.

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      Buy or make your own motorcycle windshield bag. This distinct piece of luggage can attach to your handlebars and usually is reserved for carrying small items that you may need along the way such as maps, electronics or sunglasses. Craft your own by simply strapping a money belt or fanny pack to your handlebars.

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      Depending on how much space you have under the seat, get a hold of one final piece of luggage to fit snugly inside. This spot is usually reserved for your motorcycle tool bag--a small nylon or leather bag or pouch to store the tools you may need on the road.

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