How to Make Friends Internationally

If you are traveling abroad, making new friends can be a great way to further enrich your experience. If you are staying in another country indefinitely for work or study, it becomes even more essential. Making new friends can seem difficult enough for some people, and doing so on foreign soil makes the task seem that much more daunting. Fortunately, the same basic social rules apply almost anywhere, and with a few simple strategies, you can establish an international social network in no time.


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      Pave the way before you go. Research the area where you will be staying or working, and familiarize yourself with the local cultural and social activities. For example, there may be a great karaoke bar in the neighborhood or a weekly soccer match that captures everyone's attention. Find out where people congregate. Also, study up on the language. You don't necessarily have to be fluent when you arrive, but knowing the basics will further endear you to the local population and make day-to-day life easier.

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      Utilize the Internet. If you are not actually traveling yet, but happen to harbor a zest for international social interaction, pen-pal sites can be an interesting way to get the ball rolling. Also, the traditional networking sites such as Facebook or Myspace can be effective.

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      Mingle with the locals. A lot of people have a tendency to bond with others from their own country while traveling abroad. It's easy to do, and it's a great conversation starter. However, if you want to make friends from the country you are visiting, you should leave your comfort zone and immerse yourself in the local culture whenever possible.

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      Open your mind by being receptive to new things. Food, customs, music and clothing are just a few examples of things that can be drastically different than they are at home. The more of a good sport you are, the more people will want to talk to you. Many times, the locals enjoy explaining new things to a visitor. Not only do you learn a new cultural tidbit, you've also started a conversation with a potential new friend.

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      Stay away from touristy hotels and seek out accommodations that also serve the locals. Hostels are one example. The more you surround yourself with people who live there, the less isolated you will be. You can't make international friends if you don't meet them.

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