How to Send Couriers Abroad

Our world has gotten a lot smaller than it was even 50 years ago, and as a result sometimes we need to communicate and send items to family, friends and colleagues who are located in countries outside of our own. Luckily, there are international couriers that can send our packages abroad in short periods of time. Before you send couriers to foreign destinations, there are a few things you need to do to ensure your package arrives safely and securely.

Things You'll Need

  • Courier service
  • Shipping tape
  • Permanent marker
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      Use shipping tape to tape down anything that could come loose from your parcel. A courier could refuse to ship an item if it is not secured properly. Some items can be handled a dozen different times before they reach their destination, so you'll want to make sure nothing can fall out or off of the parcel.

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      Address the package using a permanent marker. Using a permanent marker will ensure the ink does not rub off while the package is in transit.

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      Consider how soon you want the package delivered, whether you need insurance for the package and whether you require any special handling instructions for the package. A courier will require all of this information before you can send the package. The cost of sending the package will be determined partly by this information.

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      Determine if the items you are sending in the package are dutiable (subject to import tax) or if you are sending any prohibited goods. Your items will be dutiable if they are nonpaper and have commercial value. If they are dutiable, you will have to pay a small fee to have them shipped abroad by the courier. Couriers will not ship goods that are prohibited in another country. Your courier will have a list of the most up-to-date prohibited goods in a country.

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      Choose an optimal international parcel package delivery company to suit your needs. Three international couriers are UPS, FedEx and DHL.

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      Bring your package to an international package delivery company or arrange to have the courier pick up the package at your home by using the company's website or by calling the company directly. Inform the courier when you'd like the shipment to arrive, whether you require insurance, whether you have any special handling instructions and whether it's dutiable. Ask the representative if your parcel's items are prohibited in the country you are shipping to. Pay the courier fee. Have the courier send the package abroad.

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