How to Spend Spring Break in Miami

Spring break in Miami can be summed up with three phrases: hot clubs, hot weather and hotties. South Beach is growing as a premiere spring break destination. It's a trendy beach full of the rich and famous. It's nickname is America's Riviera. Whether you're a novice or hardcore partiers, there are plenty of night clubs in Miami to choose from.


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      Figure out who's going along with you and how much money they can spend. If you know up front, you'll be able to book the trip as soon as you find a good deal.

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      Decide where in Miami you want to spring break. There's Miami Beach or South Beach. Some say that Miami Beach is a rough place and you should steer clear of it. Stay south of 22nd Street. Be careful of the phrase "minutes from the beach". The lower the street number, the better.

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      Prepare to pay a lot for a decent hotel in South Beach. They run about $300 a night. Even if you split it, the room alone can cost you a bundle.

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      Consider staying in a hostel. In South Beach, many are equipped with wireless Internet and some have breakfast. They are only two blocks from the beach. Yes, you have to share the space with strangers, but it's better than the typical European hostel.

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      Look for a condo if you have more than six people going. It will run you about $3000 total for the week. That may still be cheaper than paying for hotel rooms.

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      Click online in search of packages. Several South Beach hotels want you to book your stay with them, so they offer special spring break packages.

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      Go topless if you dare. Some say you have a better chance of seeing breasts on the actual beach in South Beach than in the clubs. Since South Beach is upscale, don't expect to see much drunk flashing. But, South Beach itself is a topless beach.

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