How to Plan a Shuttle Launch Vacation

Watching a space shuttle rocket into space can be one of the wonders of your life. Follow these steps to plan a vacation in Cape Canaveral, Florida, to watch one of these exciting launches.


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      Be prepared to wait. Launches are scheduled months ahead of time in Orlando, Florida, and they are not always on time. Weather and other technical difficulties can postpone, if not cancel, shuttle launches.

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      When NASA announces a launch, book a hotel in the Cape Canaveral area as soon as possible. You will be competing for the best view with people who camp out for days to get a glimpse of the majestic flight.

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      Plan to stay for a week after the date of the scheduled launch, in case circumstances postpone the launch. In the meantime, your vacation can include amusement parks and beaches.

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      Be flexible on your launch vacation. NASA usually knows what the chances are of a shuttle launch hours ahead of launch time. Launches can occur any time of day, so keep that radio on for information.

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      On the day that NASA announces the launch is on, go to Cape Canaveral as soon as you hear the news. Your hotel may have arrangements to transport you to a good viewing site if you do not want to drive.

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      Buy tickets to park your car on NASA's causeway. NASA schedules all launches on pad 39A. Tickets include admission to the Kennedy Space Center. If you cannot get on the causeway, there are still miles of places to park to watch the launch around the Cape. You can see the smoke, feel the rumble and watch man go into space from miles out.

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