Gay Clubs in Memphis, Tennessee

Memphis, Tennessee is home to a string of clubs and nightspots throughout the city catering to the gay community. Most have music on blast, offering a variety of tunes from the city's own Elvis to dance remixes of Cher. No matter what you're looking for in a gay night club, there is something in Memphis for all to enjoy.

  1. Metro Memphis

    • Located on the always-bustling Autumn Avenue, Metro Memphis features weekly special events including karaoke Monday through Wednesday and Cook Out Sundays. Happy hour prices lure in guests, with specials served until 10 p.m. or later depending on the evening and doors not closing until the early morning hours.

      Metro Memphis
      1349 Autumn Ave.
      Memphis, TN 38104

    Backstreet Memphis

    • Backstreet Memphis, open seven days week, celebrates the start of the week every Sunday with Amateur Night, opening its stage to locals and serving alcoholic specials on Long Necks and Beer Busts until midnight. On Friday nights, clubgoers can enjoy karaoke in the video lounge, a show at midnight, and drink specials as a live DJ spins only requested music.

      Backstreet Memphis
      2018 Ct. Ave.
      Memphis, TN 38104

    Pumping Station

    • Weekly events at the Pumping Station include Happy Day Sunday, with happy hour prices all day, and Cigar Night. Employees all wear leather and denim; steel and leather decorate the night club, with miniature flares in different corners, "Danger: Men Playing" construction signs, and overhead disco balls.

      Pumping Station
      1382 Poplar Ave.
      Memphis, TN 38104


    • Crossroads is a Memphis drag bar and club, with impersonators and onlookers enjoying the dance floor equally. Resident showgirls add extra energy, while bartenders serve up everything from burgers to salads for guests to enjoy. Beyond dancing, Crossroads hosts pool and dart tournaments, bingo and talent shows throughout the week.

      1278 Jefferson Ave.
      Memphis, TN 38104

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