Gay Bars in Ohio

Ohio may be land-locked in the middle of the country, but visitors or locals looking for the exciting nightlife of gay bars will have no problem finding a variety to choose from. Quite a few areas of Ohio, including the major cities, offer gay bars. Many of these establishments have colorful and unique environments, with regular entertainment events that may require a cover charge.

  1. Interbelt Nite Club

    • Established in 1988, Interbelt Nite Club, located in Akron in the northeast region of Ohio, provides patrons with a variety of dance and entertainment options. The club specializes in high-energy dance parties; music options vary by night, including Hip-hop and 1980s tunes. Recent events include the Gay Black Pageant and Ladies Night, where patrons were invited to participate in wet T-shirt contests and vote for the best pageant entrant. Except for special events, there is no cover charge on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

      Interbelt Nite Club
      70 North Howard Street
      Akron, OH 44308


    • If you’re into leather, then Cocktails, located in downtown Cleveland, is for you. The bar has a rough and tough atmosphere, highlighted by a leather dress code that’s optional on Fridays and required on Saturdays. Don’t let the name fool you, this bar also offers food, including steak roasts and cookouts. Regular entertainment events, such as the bondage and discipline party, match the bar’s atmosphere. It’s not all bondage and leather; there also are music events and karaoke.

      208 Detroit Avenue
      Cleveland, OH 44102


    • Tradewinds has been serving the gay community in Columbus for over 30 years. The bar has a laid-back atmosphere with typical offerings, including regular specials on drinks, food and live entertainment. The fare is classic American bar food such as burgers and cheese sticks. Things get lively at midnight on Thursdays when live male dancers entertain the crowd. Unless you’re wearing leather, a cover charge applies on Friday and Saturday nights after 10 p.m.

      117 East Chestnut Street
      Columbus, OH 43215

    Adonis the Nightclub

    • Adonis the Nightclub, located in Cincinnati, is a dance party club with a sophisticated yet fun atmosphere. Unlike some other bars, Adonis allows entrance to those over 18 years old, but patrons must be at least 21 years old to drink. The club has a variety of house DJs spinning the latest dance tunes. In addition to the dance party, Adonis regularly provides patrons with unique events, including cabarets and pageants. Don’t miss hanging out by the pool on summer nights.

      Adonis the Nightclub
      4601 Kellogg Avenue
      Cincinnati, OH 45226

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