How to Show Manners on a Bus

Minding your manners is always a good rule to follow at any age, time and place, and being courteous on a bus is no exception. Traveling across town on a bus will be much more pleasant when everyone minds their manners and shows proper courtesy to everyone else.


    • 1

      Arrive at the bus stop at least a few minutes before the time the bus is scheduled to arrive. You don't want to risk getting there late because you can't expect the bus to wait while you run to catch it.

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      Have your fare ready to pay as soon as you get on or have your bus pass ready to show. Don't make the driver or anyone getting on behind you wait while you search through your pockets or purse.

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      Take a seat in the back of the bus if it is available. Leave the front seats open for older and handicapped passengers or those bringing objects like strollers on board.

    • 4

      Avoid disturbing the other passengers. If you wish to converse with anyone, keep your voice down while doing so. Avoid playing loud music, and don't ever disturb the driver.

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      Restrain your kids if they are with you. Don't let them run up and down the bus aisles or make a lot of noise. Bringing something to keep them busy, like a book or small game, will help.

    • 6

      Exit the bus through the back doors once it reaches your stop. Many buses have these back doors for people to exit through so people entering through the front doors won't have to wait.

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