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How to Pack an RV Tool Kit

About 8 million American families hit the road in their RVs. It's a great American tradition. You escape stress, kick back and enjoy nature. It's a home on wheels and like any home, things can happen. You don't want to be caught on a highway somewhere with a problem you can't fix. It's important to carry a tool kit in your RV, with everything you need when a situation arises.


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      Gather a variety of sockets, combo wrenches and hex key wrenches. Also include a combo cutting plier, a water pump plier, extension bar, flex ratchet handle, spark plug socket, spinner handle, a regular screwdriver and a Phillips head screwdriver.

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      Remember to set aside a flashlight and utility knife. Both come in handy in case of emergencies.

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      Pack all the tools into a case. Dig around for an old toolbox large enough for the tools, or buy a new one. Pick something strong and durable.

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      Load an air compressor and roadside flares into the RV. It's also a good idea to carry a polarity checker for testing electrical outlets at campgrounds.

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      Consider an All Purpose RV Camping Tool. It serves seven functions and encompasses a bottle opener, hatchet edge, hammer and wrench. There's also a compass in the handle.

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