How to Ride in a Blimp

No other way to fly is as smooth and dreamy as a blimp ride. There is no turbulence. You can even wave to people staring up at you. Want to take a ride? It's not easy to arrange; but these steps will show you how some people have done it.


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      Find a company that occasionally lets people ride in their blimps. Goodyear takes the occasional passenger, but MetLife won't.

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      Learn what the company's criteria are for passengers. For example, if you are a sick child or know one who would like to ride in a blimp, contact Sanyo.

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      Contact local representatives of the company to see if it is possible for a customer to take a ride. Normally this happens if the company has a contest or raffle to benefit a local charity.

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      Suck up to local representatives of the company. See if they can get you on board the ship. This is the hardest way to swing a blimp ride; but it may be your only way.

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      See if you can get a job with a company that operates a blimp. Again, this is a difficult way to get a blimp ride; but there is always the slight possibility that you could swing it this way.

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