How to Take an Autistic Child to Disneyland

Taking your autistic child to Disneyland can be a challenge, but it can also be a positive life-changing experience. If your child needs lots of stimulation to learn, you can't find more stimulation than at Disneyland. Plus, the staff there is extra understanding and helpful, which takes some of the stress away from you. The key is to plan ahead so the trip goes as smoothly as possible.


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      Book your lodging. The two top things to consider are the price and location. Look for a resort or hotel with a convenient shuttle service. The last thing you want to do is wait at a bus stop for a long time.

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      Get a note from your child's psychologist stating that he's autistic. This will allow you to get a special pass for shorter wait times.

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      Know the airport security rules. The increased security is a nightmare for autistic children. If bringing your child's medication on board, make sure you have copies of all the prescriptions. This will speed things up.

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      Bring things to keep your child distracted. Pack his favorite snacks and toys to keep him busy while you're in the security line and on the airplane.

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      Check in a guest services once you arrive at Disneyland. Bring your child and the doctor's note. They will give you a pass to get on the rides quicker.

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      Know when to leave the park for the day. Eight hours of stimulation is way too much for an autistic child. Leave Disneyland in the middle of the day, then go back in the evening.

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