How to Pull a Hybrid Camper With an SUV

Hybrid campers may be anything from small tear-drop campers to specialized campers designed for a specific purpose such as for surfers or mountain bicyclists. You can tow these hybrids with Sport Utility Vehicles, providing the SUVs have the needed tow-hitch, wire-plug connections and side-view mirrors. Once the SUV is so equipped, tow the hybrid camper the same way as any other camper or trailer.

Things You'll Need

  • Towing side-view mirrors and installation kits
  • Power drill and caulk gun with epoxy
  • Traffic pylons
  • Tow hitch and wire plugs
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    • 1

      Attach the hybrid trailer to the SUV's tow-hitch. Depending on your style of tow-hitch this entails sliding the male end of the trailer/camper hitch into the female receiving end on the SUV. Close and lock the tow-hitch with the locking mechanisms on the tow-hitch, typically a cotter and clevis pin -- small pins and rods that slide through holes in both the male and female ends of the hitch.

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      Plug in the camper wires to the wire plugs on the SUV. Have an assistant go to the back of the hybrid camper while you turn on the left and right turn signals and step on the brakes. Make sure the lights are all functioning on the camper.

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      Sit in the driver seat of the SUV and adjust the side view mirrors so you have a field of view of the camper, especially the far back end of the trailer. Have the assistant adjust the passenger's side-view mirror.

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      Drive the SUV with the camper in tow to an empty parking lot. Set up the nylon traffic pylons so you have "S" turns, and other obstacles you must maneuver through. Practice these obstacles.

    • 5

      Practice backing the hybrid camper up while in tow. Get a feel for the SUV and how it performs with the trailer in tow before heading out for your road trip and camping adventure.

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