How to Pack a Bike to Ship

Airlines may charge as much as $50 extra to take bikes as baggage, and they won't take a bike unless it's packed in a box. Follow these steps to pack a bike properly for shipping.

Things You'll Need

  • Bike Boxes
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    • 1

      Detach the seat. Leave it attached to the seat post and remove it as a unit.

    • 2

      Remove the handlebars by loosening the bolt at the top of the handlebar stem, which is the elbow-shaped piece of metal that clamps to the handlebars. Remove the stem bolt from the bike, keeping in mind that the handlebars and stem should come out as a unit. Leave brake cables attached.

    • 3

      Tape handlebars to bicycle's top tube.

    • 4

      Use a thin crescent wrench to unscrew the pedals where they attach to the crank - where the inside of your foot sits on the pedal. The left pedal may be reverse-threaded; turn clockwise to unscrew.

    • 5

      Remove both wheels. Replace wheels with a block of wood where the axles were to keep the frame from being crushed during shipping.

    • 6

      Get a bike box. Most bike shops will give you one, or sell you one for a few dollars. Check the size printed on the side of the box, which should be at least as large as your bike.

    • 7

      Put pedals and seat in a bag. Tie or tape the bag to the bike's frame, next to where the handlebars are taped.

    • 8

      Lift the bike frame carefully into the box and center the bike. Next fit the wheels in the box, slipping one wheel on each side of the frame.

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      Seal your box with heavy-duty packing tape.

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