How to Apply in Person for a Passport

International travel is an excellent way to experience new culture and cuisine, relive history and meet interesting people. To travel in any country outside the United States, you will need a passport. Travel to Mexico and Canada now requires a passport.

Things You'll Need

  • Driver's License
  • Two Passport Photos
  • Passport Fee
  • Most Recent Passport
  • Certified Birth Certificate
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      Find a passport office. Passports can be issued at some post offices and city halls. Many offices require an appointment. For a comprehensive list of passport offices, visit the U.S. State Department's website located in the Resources section of this article.

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      Get two passport photos. Stores like Wal-Mart and Walgreens offer passport photo services. They will take your picture and cut them to the required dimensions.

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      Collect the required documentation. If this is your first passport, you will need a certified birth certificate. This can be obtained in most states at the state's Vital Records office. You will also need your driver's license or another form of identification. If you are applying for a passport renewal, present your most recent passport.

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      Pay the required fees. See the State Department Vital Records office website for applicable fees.

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      Wait for your passport. After you apply, it can take ten weeks or more to receive your passport in the mail. If you need a passport in a hurry, apply for an expedited passport. Inquire about expedited passports at the office where you register for your passport.

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