How do I Obtain a Passport & What Is the Cost?

Even if you don't have any travel plans scheduled for anytime soon, having a passport on hand is a good idea. It is an important piece of documentation, and it is now necessary to have a passport when you are crossing the U.S. and Canadian border. If a sudden opportunity to travel overseas arises, you will be ready to go. Passports cost less than $200, and the paperwork required is minimal. Take the time to fill out the application. You will have your passport on hand and be ready to go.

Things You'll Need

  • Proof of citizenship
  • Passport photos
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      Visit the U.S. Department of State website. Click on Use the site to find the nearest location in your area to apply for a passport. Pick up a passport application.

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      Complete the passport application.

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      Submit proof of citizenship with the application. You may use a previously issued passport as long as it is not damaged. A certified copy of your birth certificate is acceptable as well.

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      Include a photocopy of your identification document. The photocopy must be on 8x11 standard white paper. Show the front and the back of the ID. Don't put any other images on the paper.

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      Include two passport photos. The size of the photos is 2x2 inches. The two photos must be identical and must be no older than six months. Wear normal street wear when having your photograph taken. The price for a passport photo is between $10 and $15.

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      Submit your application and fees. The application for a passport book and card is $140. The processing fee is $25. The total is $165. Including the price of your photos, expect to spend around $180 for your passport.

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