How to Legally Change Your Identity

Every locality has its own policies regarding legal name changes. Despite this, the process is generally the same. Legally changing your identity can be done for a variety of reasons, but only one time in your life.

Things You'll Need

  • Statement of new name
  • Application for name change
  • Two statements of character
  • Right or permission to change name
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      In most areas, to legally change your name, you first need to post it outside the county courthouse. It needs to remain posted outside the county courthouse for five to 10 business days.

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      After the name change has been posted outside the local county courthouse for the designated period of time, you can proceed with the application to change your name.

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      The application must include your current name, address information and other basics, along with the reason for your name change and any legal entanglements

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      Also, include two references of good character, by unrelated people. This is to ensure that you are changing your name for good reasons, rather than to avoid legal issues, or to stir them up.

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      Prove that you have the authority to change your name, or the name of your children, with appropriate identification.

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      Once you have filed the application with all of the requirements, it will be presented to the clerk of court. It is up to this individual to approve or disapprove your application. If approved, the necessary paperwork will be sent to the state office for the vital records to be changed, and then filed in the county as well.

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