How to Learn Wilderness Survival

Many adventurers want to study wilderness survival before embarking on a planned camping trip in the mountains or a hunting expedition through a deserted forest. Others choose to study wilderness survival to be prepared for a natural or personal disaster. Whether you want to prepare for a planned trip or an unexpected emergency, wilderness survival skills teach you to survive in the direst of circumstances. Basic skills, such as pitching a tent and building a fire, are essential to surviving in the wilderness, whether you planned to be there or not.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet access
  • Book
  • Survival supply items
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    • 1

      Visit a website dedicated to survival skills. (See Reference 1.) Wilderness survival websites offer detailed survival instructions that are usually accompanied by a variety of pictures to give you the most accurate information possible, and also frequently recommend survival equipment and supplies. Wilderness survival websites are ideal for independent and inexpensive learning on your time.

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      Take a wilderness survival course. (See Reference 2.) Wilderness survival courses teach participants the basics of building a shelter, finding and preparing food, making a fire and surviving in the wild. (See Reference 3.) Some classes also offer more intense survival skills for experienced adventurers, such as edible plant identification and trap building. (See Reference 4.) Most classes charge a participation fee.

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      Read a book about wilderness survival. Wilderness survival books teach in-depth survival skills step-by-step to guide you in learning and developing survival skills. Survival books generally offer a wide range of survival scenarios to provide you with the most thorough information possible. (See Reference 5.)

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      Practice wilderness survival in a group. Grab a few of your buddies and go camping for a few days or spend an afternoon exploring in the woods. Practice building fires, first aid, using a compass and assembling your tent. For safety reasons, avoid practicing wilderness skills alone in the woods. If you become injured or encounter a wild animal, having a partner will be to your advantage.

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