How to Visit the Forks in Winnipeg, Canada

The Forks is the number one visitor’s spot in Winnipeg. It is very popular with residents of the city and tourists alike. The beautiful location on the fork of the Red River and the Assiniboine River may be part of the reason. The wide variety of things to do throughout the year is another. The Forks has everything from special events to sporting activities, restaurants, boat rides, musical events, to cultural events and a nice variety of small shops. The Forks has been a center of commerce for hundreds of years, to the fur traders in the 1700s. Then in the1800s the railway became a central part of Winnipeg history. Beginning in 1984, evidence of archeological aboriginal history that dates back 6,000 years was discovered.

Things You'll Need

  • Comfortable clothes
  • Walking shoes
  • Money or credit card
  • Camera
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    • 1

      Come by car and park in one of the many parking spots. There are many available at The Forks. They are either in front of the shopping area, or in the much larger parking area near the entrance toward Main Street, either covered or uncovered. Parking in the small parking lot near the shopping area of The Forks is very limited, but you may be lucky and find a spot there, especially during off hours. You can also arrive by public transportation, taxi, cycle or on foot. In warm weather, there is a boat that links some parts of Winnipeg to The Forks. In the winter, the water is often frozen and impassable by boat. If you are staying at the Inn at The Forks, which is the only hotel located directly on the 56 acre property, you will have easy access to all activities and events available at The Forks.

    • 2

      Walk around The Forks to familiarize yourself with the placement and variety of everything available there. It is a pleasant stroll. Parts of the walk are along the river’s edge and are quite beautiful. There are walking paths meandering throughout the grounds of The Forks filled with gardens, outside art sculptures and historical information. In the winter, some of the walking paths are made into skating areas. In the spring, when all the snow melts, some areas of the walking paths right by the rivers become inaccessible and covered with high water. The Forks has a different flavor with every season.

    • 3

      Visit the over 70 small shops available at The Forks Market and in Johnston Terminal. You can find everything from fresh produce and wines to aboriginal art, tourist gifts, art, jewelry, toys and other culturally-diverse wares. In warm weather the sidewalks may be home to outside booths that offer various crafts and gifts for sale or informational booths.

    • 4

      Stop for a meal or snack at one of the restaurants and food booths. There is a variety of dining fare for many different palates and budgets. If you are craving breakfast, lunch or dinner out, you will find something to suit your needs at The Forks. Try one of the favorites, Beachcomber’s, which has available outside or inside seating and wonderful service and fare. Take home a treat from one of the small food shops like the fudge booth located in the middle of The Forks Market. It offers a number of different flavors of decadently rich fudge available in large squares, or go to the restored and permanently parked train car located in the parking area and get some sweets from the candy shop, Sugar Mountain Express, inside the train car.

    • 5

      Take a boat ride on the river in warmer weather. It gives you a different view of The Forks and parts of the city of Winnipeg. It can also drop you off at other parts of the city like the eclectic Osborne Village and the Legislature area with the government building.

    • 6

      Visit the train station and learn some of the history surrounding the place that was known “The Gateway to the Canadian West.” The area became a main entrance for immigrants hoping to settle in that area of Canada in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

    • 7

      Make sure you go to the top of The Forks Market tower either by steps or elevator and look out at the area from the small balcony at the top of the tower. The view from the top is worth the effort.

    • 8

      Go to the Manitoba Children’s Museum with your kids and explore all the things to see and do in the museum. Make sure you walk around to the back of the building too to see the interesting fence built around the museum grounds.

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