Senior Activities in Detroit

Detroit is the largest city in Michigan, with nearly 20 recreation centers for seniors. You will find an endless list of activities where you can expand your social relationships, remain active, and lead a healthy lifestyle. In addition to classes and activities offered around the city, the City of Detroit Recreation Department's senior programs include a Senior Friendship Day event, a Thanksgiving Thanks and Praise Luncheon, a Black History Month Celebration, and a Senior Olympics.
  1. Adams/Butzel Recreation Complex and Butzel Family Center

    • Senior activities in the Adams/Butzel Recreation Complex include senior water aerobics, hustle dance classes and club meetings and classes. In the Butzel Family Center, seniors can participate in walking, beginner piano lessons and computer lab. You can also join a crafts class, a drawing/painting class, and bingo. Enjoy a meal and make new friends in the Food & Friendship event.

    Farwell Recreation Center and Heilmann Community Center

    • Activities for seniors in the Farwell Recreation Center include walking, a billiards and table games day, exercising in the weight room, and Food & Friendship day. Seniors can take chair aerobics, ceramics, basic computer, beginner and advanced crochet, and intermediate and advanced hustle dance classes. Other activities offered are world literature classes, ballroom and belly dancing, quilting, bingo, sewing, round dance and participating in the "Senior Community Choir."

      The Heilmann Community Center's activities for seniors include water aerobics, adult computer lab classes, working out in the weight room, and adult game room activities.

    Kemeny Center and Lipke Center

    • Seniors who go to the Kemeny Center can enjoy Food & Friendship, as well as fellowship and recreation. In the Lipke Center seniors can use the weight room, play games in the senior game room, and play in senior basketball leagues for both men and women. Seniors can go for walks and join the Health Alliance Plan water aerobics class.

    Northwest Activities Center and Patton Community Center

    • The Northwest Activities Center's activities for seniors are group exercise, computer classes and swimming classes. The center also offers dance programs, fitness orientation, fitness assessment and personal training.

      Visit the Patton Community Center, where activities for seniors include lap swimming, water aerobics and a day of senior activities such as playing games and participating in classes.

    Joseph Walker Williams Center and Coleman A. Young Community Center

    • Activities for senior citizens in the Joseph Walker Williams Center include chair aerobics, Food & Friendship, Master Sports, and round dancing. Seniors can also take hustle dance classes for beginners and join the luncheon club, bridge club or golf club. Ceramics, literature, computer, sewing, beading and crochet, and low-impact water aerobics classes are offered. Events for seniors include birthday celebrations, movie day and bingo day.

      The Coleman A. Young Community Center's activities for seniors are swimming, ballroom lessons and computer classes.

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