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How to Keep Your RV Camper Toilet Clean

If you have an RV or travel trailer you know how nasty camper toilets can get. Here is one way that we use to keep them cleaner.


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      Learn why RV toilets get dirtier. Plastic is the worst material ever for making a toilet out of. It has a porous surface that makes "things" stick to it, leaving nasty marks.
      For years we have been trying to figure out how to make this less of a problem.

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      Keep the bowl half full when using your RV toilet, this is one way to keep "streaking" to a minimum but this still does not totally work. We keep a brush and toilet cleaner next to the bowl and brush it every few days.

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      Clean the RV toilet bowl very well, bleach it and then wax it with fiberglass RV wax. Lo and behold it works! It makes the plastic surface smoother and "things" do not attach to it like before. A treatment with regular RV wax usually lasts about a month for us.
      Try it and it may just save you some time that you would have spent cleaning your RV toilet's bowl.

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