How to Print an E-Ticket for Indian Railway

Indian Railway has largely updated its rules and regulations regarding e-tickets in recent years. In an effort to conserve resources, Indian Railway allows you to present an electronic copy of your reservation (on a smartphone, laptop or e-reader) along with photo identification as confirmation of your purchase. Nonetheless, access to a hard copy of your reservation is highly recommended to avoid any inconvenience.

  1. Printing Your Reservation Slip

    • If you are in the process of purchasing an e-ticket, look for a “Print ERS” button at the bottom of your payment confirmation page. Clicking this button will display a printable summary of your e-ticket and the reservation slip, which must be carried with you during your travels on Indian Railway. If you have already purchased your e-ticket and simply need to print the reservation slip, you will first need to log in to the Indian Railway traveler interface with the credentials you should have created when you purchased your ticket. After logging in, locate the left-hand navigation pane to find the “Booked Tickets” link. Clicking this link will display all of your booked tickets, and allow you to print as many reservation slips as you need.

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