How to Use Space Bags When Travelling

Space Bags allow air to be vacuumed out to save space when storing clothes or other items. By removing the air, every bit of available space is used efficiently. Most people struggle when packing for a vacation with getting everything they need or want into the luggage that they have. Using Space Bags when travelling can have an amazing effect on how much you can fit into your suitcase.

Things You'll Need

  • Vacuum cleaner with hose attachment
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      Plan which items you will put into the Space Bag. Fold them as neatly as possible to keep the bag organized. You may want to have multiple bags for different items, as you will most likely be able to get two layers of Space Bags in a single suitcase.

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      Pack each Space Bag with all the items you can until it is full according to manufacturer's directions or everything you need is inside.

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      Set up the vacuum for hose operation. Expect to disconnect the hose from its normal housing so that it can be used to vacuum directly from the Space Bag.

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      Place the vacuum hose onto the round circular opening on the side of the Space Bag. Turn the vacuum on and hold it over the hole, allowing it to suck the air out of the bag. Continue until all of the air has been pulled out. The bag will now be almost flat, and you will be surprised how small the packed-out bag has become.

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      Place the shrunken Space Bag into the suitcase. Repeat the process for multiple bags if desired. Arrange the bags in the suitcase to maximize space for other items.

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