What to Take in a Kitchen RV

Packing the kitchen of the RV before a road trip takes some thought and preparation, but when done correctly, it will be like you never left home. The biggest indicator of what you will need in the RV is what you eat normally at home. Think about what you eat and what you use to cook every day. These are the things you will want to bring in the RV.
  1. Packing

    • Being away from home can be difficult if you are not prepared. The first thing to do is inspect the kitchen in the RV. Get familiar with how much space there is, both for storage and for cooking. Take inventory of how many burners there are, how large the oven is, and how many cabinets there are. This will help you decide how much to take. You will undoubtedly have less space than you have in your home kitchen, so you will need to choose supplies wisely. Try to choose stackable items to save storage space.

      For cooking, bring three pots and pans of various sizes. Bring one frying pan, one saucepan and one large pot for soups and stews. Bring stackable baking dishes of various sizes, taking into consideration the size of your oven. An electric frying pan is a good idea should gas run out at any point.

      The size of your family and amount of storage will help dictate how many dishes and utensils to bring. If you bring glass, pack carefully and protect the glass items while you are on the road by wrapping them in towels or plastic packing sleeves. You can bring disposables along as a backup.

      Bring cooking utensils according to what you use most often. Make sure you have a manual can opener. If you drink coffee, an electric coffee maker and a stovetop espresso pot would be good to have. That way your bases are covered should you run out of gas or electricity at any time during the trip.

      For food supplies, make sure you have a good supply that cannot spoil. This includes canned foods, dry fruits, cereals, powdered milk, crackers and nuts. Also make sure to have a healthy water supply. All other food items will depend on what you and your family normally like to eat. If you have the freezer space, you might want to precook a meal or two and freeze them for the days that you want to have a quick and easy meal. There will be places to stock up along the way, but be prepared for moments when those supplies are not available.

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