How to Apply for a Visa Online

In order for non-Americans to live and work in America, you must apply for a Visa. A Visa is the government’s chance to look over your credentials and determine that you are here to be a productive member of society. This process used to involve several trips to various government offices in order to get the proper paperwork in order


  1. How to Apply for a Visa Online

    • 1

      Go to the US government’s Visa application website. You can do this by typing some key words into a search engine or by clicking on the link in the Resources section. Be cautious, as any misspelling will not result in you traveling to the Visa website.

    • 2

      Check that your computer has all the necessary capabilities to fill out the Visa application online. The website requires that your computer have capability to support 128-bit encryption, have Adobe Acrobat Reader, have a recent version of Internet Explorer or Netscape and have a printer hooked up to your computer.

    • 3

      Open the application and fill out all the entry spaces in English. This will take you about an hour to complete. Prepare for this portion of the application by having information such as work history, current and past addresses and other pertinent information available.

    • 4

      Print off your completed application once you have filled out and double checked that all the information is correct. When the document prints, be sure that the barcode and identification number are legible, since you will need them later.

    • 5

      Bring the completed application, your passport and any other information requested of you when your appointment is scheduled. Ensuring you are properly prepared will help make this long process simpler for yourself and for the Visa application board.

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