Airlines Baggage Information

Airline baggage information can be confusing for passengers. There are restrictions on all baggage, whether it is checked luggage or carry-on luggage. Restrictions apply to what can be carried on and what can be checked. Baggage must be a certain size and weight, and passengers are required to pay fees for certain baggage items. Baggage restrictions are designed to enhance the safety and security of your flights.
  1. Checked Bags

    • Each airline has its own policy regarding the number of bags you are permitted to check and the cost of checking bags. A few airlines, including Southwest and Jet Blue, allow you to check at least one bag for free, but most charge for any checked bag, although they might waive the fee for their frequent fliers or for people who pay with a specific credit card. Virtually all airlines charge for overweight baggage, usually over 50 pounds. Baggage fees vary from airline to airline, so check before you fly.


    • Passengers are permitted to carry on one piece of luggage along with a personal item, such as a purse or briefcase. Carry-on luggage must meet your airline's size requirements, or it will have to be checked. Passengers with children are permitted to carry on a diaper bag in addition to regular carry-on items.

    Traveling with Children

    • Passengers traveling with children are allowed to check one free baby item per adult. Baby items include playpens, strollers and car seats. Passengers traveling with children have the option of checking their stroller at the luggage counter or at the door of the plane. Strollers checked at the gate will be placed in a compartment underneath the plane and placed directly inside the gate after landing.

    Missing Luggage

    • Luggage sometimes is lost, misplaced or stolen in transit. When this occurs, you will receive compensation from the airline up to $3,300. Airlines recommend that you pack your carry-on with your valuables and medications, as well as any essentials you would need to get through 48 hours without your luggage.

    Prohibited Items

    • Carry-on luggage restrictions are stringent. No sharp objects, liquids more than 3 ounces, weapons, tools or sporting goods are permitted in carry-on luggage. With the exception of explosives and gunpowder, all of these items are permitted in your checked baggage. Liquids can be carried on if they are in containers of 3 ounces or less and placed in a clear plastic 1-quart bag you declare at security. Liquids of any size can be put in your checked luggage.

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