How to Apply for German Citizenship

Whether your parents are German or you were born in Germany to American parents, you have the right to apply for German citizenship. If you were born to two American parents in Germany, you are allowed, up to the age of 23, to decide what citizenship you want to be. But if your parents are German and you were born in the United States, Germany allows you to have dual citizenship.

Things You'll Need

  • Passport
  • Birth certificate or certificate of parentage
  • Family registers
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    • 1

      Apply for an appointment with the Federal Office of Administration in Cologne, Germany, if you are within the country. Apply for an appointment with the German Embassy or Consular Office in your area if you are residing out of the country.

    • 2

      Bring your current passport, birth certificate and family registers that show that you come from other German citizenship. These documents are required to gain citizenship. Bring Certificates of Naturalization or Expellee Cards that are authorized by German notaries or a German agency.

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      Complete the Application for Citizenship on pages 2 and 3. Applications in English can be obtained from your local embassy or consulate office and the German Missions if you don't speak German.

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      Present your completed application and documentation to your representative at your appointment. Be prepared to wait several weeks for approval since documents and citizenship must be verified prior to being approved for citizenship within the country.

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      Pay the required for an approved application You also must pay a fee for a denied application and an additional fee if you choose to appeal a denied application.

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